Information for refugees

Refugees living in Germany are also confronted with manifold questions and problems regarding their rights and protection as consumers.

Refugees living in Germany are also confronted with manifold questions and problems regarding their rights and protection as consumers.


As an independent service provider, our consumer organisation offers information to people who are seeking advice about their consumer rights and duties. We are aiming to enable our customers to be well-informed and confident before signing a mobile phone contract, buying an insurance, etc.

The following texts provide information on a selection of topics relevant for refugees in Serbian, French, Arabic and Farsi.

Arabic Farsi Serbian French German
Doorstep deal Doorstep deal Doorstep deal Doorstep deal Doorstep deal
Banking Banking Banking Banking Banking
Health Health Health Health Health
Mobile phone Mobile phone Mobile phone Mobile phone Mobile phone
Money transfer Money transfer Money transfer Money transfer Money transfer
Public transport Public transport Public transport Public transport Public transport
Save energy        
Save electricity        
Healthy indoor climate        

The translation was carried out by SiSA – Translation services in Saxony-Anhalt.

Hand hält rote BahnCard 25

Nach Klage der Verbraucherzentrale: Kündigungsfrist für BahnCard verkürzt

Nach einer Klage der Verbraucherzentrale Thüringen hat die Deutsche Bahn die Kündigungsfristen für die BahnCard von 6 auf 4 Wochen verkürzt. Dies gilt jedoch nicht für alle BahnCards, sondern nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen. Die Verbraucherzentrale will weiter klagen, noch aus einem anderen Grund.

Lunch & Learn

In ihrem digitalen Vortragsformat „Lunch & Learn“ vermittelt die Verbraucherzentrale Bayern die wichtigsten Infos in der Mittagspause.

Änderungen der Öffnungszeiten
